Wednesday, May 30, 2007

SL/At Dr. Feelgood's

M: welcome to best place in SL.
P: where are we?
M: in feelgood drugs shop
P: oh yes
P: is he around?
M: no :(
M: i didn't see him for last few days
P: if he's a doctor, page him
M: lol
P: where are all the munchies again? i can't remember since last time I was here
A: I know a great dinner.
P: I only believe in dinners composed of munchies
A: You can get cereal
P: cereal qualifies as munchies godsend
A: yes cereal is a choice
P: cereal is pro choice
A: very true
Plant1: Smells so good you want to smoke it right now!
M: we need to buy this mushrooms
P: explain these mushrooms in 10 minutes or less
A: has the timer started?
P: i bought some shrooms
P: i might get robbed.
M: god damn it i forget how great A looks
P: look at her and puff
A: lol I was thinking exact same thing
M: did you try seclamine, P?
P: no, too lazy
M: lol
P: i'm too lazy to experiment with anything besides pot

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Fussy!
It's digiholic;f=3;t=114;st=0;r=1;&#entry8