Sunday, May 20, 2007

SL/It's a YouTube world

Socialbility scalability

Milo kept telling us different YouTube videos to watch [off-SL-line]. "Please watch them, they're funny."

I immediately thought of watching them with everyone else at pool. That would be HUGE.

Then the future. "We can watch YouTube videos together now," I imagined myself saying. "Think of the consequences."


Anonymous said...

So, did Milo take Torley's advice and figure out how to stream the YouTube videos poolside, yet? If so, I definitely need to swing by!

Patrick said... gosh, I read Torley's instructions, Wrath, but as a stoner, I'm afraid it makes me never want to watch videos again!

I just want to be able to point and click. Deciphering, copying, pasting, uploading--no thanks. Still, it's interesting that, at least conceivably, it's possible to stream them.

I do appreciate the link!

p.s. Come by anytime!

7:04 AM

Anonymous said...

hahaha Patrick - that's why you need to forward the instructions to Milo, let him sort it all out. It's not like he has enough technical issues on a daily basis anyway. ;-)

Are dogs allowed in your pool? I need to see if mine knows how to swim. I think she's well behaved around elephants, also, but have not yet confirmed.

Patrick said...

Milo's less technical than me, believe it or not, and he's majoring in computer science!

She is allowed in pool as long as she can doggy paddle using one of our custom Milo-made® paddles. See the attendant.